Phone (530) 347-4737
Phone (530) 347-4737
Residential debris burning (also referred to as “Dooryard Burning”) is the open burning of vegetative waste on residential lots that are less than one (1) acre in size.
Properties larger than (1) acre may also participate in residential debris burning and must meet the same requirements.
You must obtain the appropriate land clearing, fuel mitigation and or agricultural burn permit(s) from Shasta County Air Quality.
Located at 1855 Placer Street, Suite101 Redding, California 96001 Phone: (530) 225-5674.
Permits issued for land clearing, fuel mitigation and agricultural burning must be endorsed/approved by the Cottonwood Fire Protection District. Permit approvals are completed daily from 9am- 5pm.
“Campfire” means a fire which is used for cooking, personal warmth, lighting, ceremonial, or aesthetic purposes, including fires contained within outdoor fireplaces and enclosed stoves with flues or chimneys, stoves using jellied, liquid, solid, or gaseous fuels, portable barbecue pits and braziers, or space heating.
NOTICE: Effective for the upcoming 2024-2025 burn season, burn permits and associated fees are no longer required for the Cottonwood Fire Protection District. Burn day restrictions and regulations still apply.
Burn permits for residential debris burning "Door Yard Burning" are no longer required for areas located within the Cottonwood Fire Protection District (CFPD). Burning regulations and restrictions apply, burn season may be suspended at any time, stay informed by calling 530-224-8777 daily after 9:00am.
Land clearing, fuel mitigation and agricultural burn permits may be acquired at the Shasta County Air Quality, 1855 Placer Street, Suite101 Redding, California 96001 Phone: (530) 225-5674.
Permits issued for land clearing, fuel mitigation and agricultural burning must be endorsed/approved by the Cottonwood Fire Protection District. Permit approvals are completed daily from 9am- 5pm.
NOTE: The Cottonwood Fire Protection District does NOT have a dedicated office staff and is monitored by our ON-DUTY Firefighting Members. We may be unavailable due to emergency response and or trainings outside the station. Your patience is greatly appreciated!
Cottonwood-CA-Fire-District2 (pdf)